The climate in gaming right now is a precarious one. Gamers,
much like so many other segments of society have become far more segregated,
which brings about brutal instances of discrimination and a climate where many
gamers feel left out of not just the player experience, but also in the lack of
representation with regards to characters and the stories they tell. The lack
of meaningful female protagonists in video games has led to every game
featuring one being placed under quite the microscope. No recent game featuring
a female lead has been under as much scrutiny as Lollipop Chainsaw. The game
proved to be a lot of things to different people; to some, it’s just a game
that happens to star a female character, to others it’s full of objectionable
content that proves to be a bit much, while to others it’s something else
entirely. I fall in the latter, with the game proving to use it’s seemingly
crude content to speak to much larger issues within gaming.
Lollipop Chainsaw’s story focuses on a high school cheerleader
named Juliet Starling, who happened to be celebrating her birthday on the day
the events of the game take place (that’s actually an important plot point). On
her way to school to meet up with her boyfriend, Nick, zombies attack the
school and all hell breaks loose. What Nick doesn’t know is that his lovely
seemingly harmless girlfriend is a member of a family of zombie hunters. Juliet
calmly pulls a chainsaw from her purse and administers violent chainsaw death
to the undead occupying San Romero High, but not before one of the zombies
takes a faithful bite out of Nick’s arm. Faced with the choice of killing Nick
and letting him become a zombie that she’d have to eventually kill anyway,
Juliet makes a bold decision that actually puts the wheels of one of the most
important story facets of this game into motion. All of the stuff I just
mentioned happens in the prologue level, by the way.
If the story feels like a campy Hollywood horror movie, it’s
because the game’s script was written by James Gunn, who was responsible for
the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead, Scooby Doo, and Slither among other films.
Strangely enough the seemingly cheesy writing Gunn is known for seems to work
well within the confines of a Grasshopper Manufacture game. Neither takes themselves
seriously, and that helps breathe a lot of life into the zombie action game
genre, which has been beaten to death over the years. The one thing that felt a
bit overdone at first was the overuse of certain phrases being levied at Juliet
during the course of the game, most notably in the first level. My concern
seemed to wane however when the encounter with the first boss took place and
you realize this was a big portion of the theme within the first level. You
see, the first boss hurls vicious insults that actually take physical form that
can damage Juliet. It’s literally the personification of the phrase “words can
hurt”. For those who can see what’s actually happening there, it can prove
quite the teachable moment.
Then there is the plight of Nick, who during the course of
the game has moments where he’s treated like an accessory for Juliet during her
mission. The rest of the Starling family actually does a lot to belittle him as
well. It’s quite the interesting piece of reverse objectification that yet
again will become quite apparent to those who get it. Sadly, for the commentary
hidden with the game’s writing, many gamers that the message is supposed to
impact will completely miss it; while some gamers will be instantly put off by
the way the message is made and will decry it.
At its core though, Lollipop Chainsaw is an action game with
typical modern hack and slash game problems. The core game play runs the risk
of becoming repetitive on multiple occasions, the camera can prove to be
problematic at several points, and there are a few moments where the extra
weapons seem shoehorned in. One such moment was the Zombie Baseball segment of
level 2. There are moments where the auto aim was absolutely frustrating, and
there seemed to be points where Juliet’s Chainsaw blaster could not fire around
Nick, which left him vulnerable to enemy attack. These minor gripes aside
though, you’ll have an absolute ball cutting zombies in half, and the boss
fight are a blast.
Lollipop Chainsaw won’t be for a lot of gamers, in fact, a
lot of them will be down right offended. It does however succeed in one
important facet, that being it turns the mirror on the player and forces them
to confront their treatment of other gamers. It also doesn’t hurt that it’s a
very fun game, and if you get nothing else from Lollipop Chainsaw, you’ll get a
good time.
Great video. I still don't think I can get down with the whole theme of being "cutesy" and dressed provocatively.